Sickness, Transit and Chivalry
The past few days have been difficult.
You'd think at 5.75 months preggo I would be past the morning sickness thing. I am, for the most part. But then out of the blue it comes up and smacks me. Yesterday, it even made me get off the train and head back home to become one-with-the-couch for the rest of the day.
My experience trying to get home brought me to realize that transit in the Tri-Cities SUCKS. It took me over an hour to get home from Port Moody, a 10 minute drive by car. It would have taken over 2 hours if my mom didn't rescue me halfway home, as I was still 2 buses (that come every 30 minutes) and a few walks away. Thanks, mom!
Today was not much better, but unfortunately I didn't start feeling sick until after Port Moody, which meant I was stuck on the train dealing with my nausea for 25 minutes...with no stops. It wasn't fun.
Oops, I told a white lie. I already knew Tri-Cities transit sucked. Last week, people were filing on my bus. The final bus on my "4-bus and a train" journey home. Just as I was about to step on, the bus driver sticks her hand out at me and says, "Bus full, sorry", then closes the door and takes off. Leaving me to walk 30 minutes to get home. Could've waited 30 minutes for the next one, but there's no bathrooms at the station. That bus leaves people behind every day. They need another one.
One good thing is happening in transit though.
About a month ago I was offered my first seat on the bus! This is great! I even wrote it on my pregnancy calendar. I am dizzy and usually not feeling so well on transit, so I decline at first. Then when they insist, I will gladly accept the chivalrous gesture.
I am getting offered a seat almost every time I'm on a full bus now. And I have made an observation:
All the people who offered me seats have been women between the ages of about 30 and 50, so I am wagering a guess that they've all been through it themselves. BUT COME ON, MEN! Isn't it supposed to be you?