The Roth Spot

A spot where you can read some potentially over-exaggerated stories of fun, thoughts and mishaps.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Cute Little Stinker

FINALLY! Here is the photo of Nathan in his skunk costume that his auntie made him. He only went Trick-or-Treating to two houses, and screamed the whole time. He was both cold and tired, so who can blame him? He did have a party at the Mom's group at our church that morning, with a bunch of other dressed up babies.

Low-Fat Internet

My Internet is like low-fat cream cheese. You buy it because you'd really like some, but know that there's too much calories to get the high fat variety. So you get the "lite" one. The problem? You munch through your bagel and lite cream cheese, only half enjoying it because it's not as good as the "real thing".

We pay for the Internet because we need it, but know that it's too expensive to get high speed. So we buy the "lite" one. The problem? It takes FOREVER for downloads and uploads, so I only half enjoy blogging because the "lite" Internet is not as good as the "real thing".

I have been trying for 2 weeks to post photos of the costume Nathan actually wore for Halloween, but it hasn't let me...until today! It seems to be working so I am going to post photos until it refuses to do anymore.

This is my new favourite photos of Nathan. He's so cute!

Well, that's it folks. I didn't even get the photo of his Halloween costume. I'll keep trying.