No Happy Happy Joy Joy

Anyone watch Ren and Stimpy in the olden days?
Anyone remember the episode when all Ren's teeth fall out, leaving his nerve endings exposed and waving in the air? That's gotta hurt.
And Stimpy tells Ren that in every tooth, there is a tooth beaver, who bites on your nerve endings, causing the pain of a toothache.
That image has been stuck in my head for the past 5 days.
I got a temporary crown done at the dentist last Tuesday. It takes 2 weeks to make the permanent crown, then I get it put in. Man, if anyone wants to rob me, take my teeth, as they collectively cost more than anything I own.
Part of the temp came off the next day. 2 days later, my tooth was soooooooooo sensitive, that I felt like the tooth beaver was paying me a visit (hence my Ren and Stimpy nostalgia, although there is no "Happy Happy Joy Joy" this time). It hurt so bad that I couldn't sleep until 4am (then up for good at 730 am, of course). Although my day was already over-booked, I knew something HAD to be done, so I called my dentist's emergency line first thing in the morning (since the office isn't open on Saturdays for some reason). She is also a personal acquaintance, who thankfully came in on her day off to try and fix it.
It seemed to work at the time, so I got ready for a baby shower I was attending. I was almost out the door when Colin comes in from the garage, quite calmly says, "Oh shoot", and goes into the kitchen. I look into the kitchen and there is blood all over the sink. He almost cut his finger off with a chainsaw.
Hmm. Another change of plans. So I take him to the doctor to get stitches. They wouldn't stitch it because of the location of the gash, but it is dressed up and ready to be taken back out to the garage to continue where he left off. Playing with a chainsaw.
Luckily I was still able to attend the baby shower, even though I was very late. By the time I left, my tooth was hurting so badly that I couldn't talk, eat or drink anything for most of the day. It took over an hour to force a plate of cold spaghetti down that noodle at a time.
I had another near-sleepless night, as I wake up every 3 hours to take another T3, and wait an hour for it to kick in (sounds like a newborn. Wake up every 3 hours and feed for an hour). Today has been another painful day. My cheek is even red and swollen. I have new-found respect for my poor little boy who is going through this almost daily.
Tomorrow I am going to the dentist and camping out there until I can get it fixed.
Wow, what a dry post. At least complaining to you gave me something to do while I'm waiting for the T3 to kick in.
That image has been stuck in my head for the past 5 days.
I got a temporary crown done at the dentist last Tuesday. It takes 2 weeks to make the permanent crown, then I get it put in. Man, if anyone wants to rob me, take my teeth, as they collectively cost more than anything I own.
Part of the temp came off the next day. 2 days later, my tooth was soooooooooo sensitive, that I felt like the tooth beaver was paying me a visit (hence my Ren and Stimpy nostalgia, although there is no "Happy Happy Joy Joy" this time). It hurt so bad that I couldn't sleep until 4am (then up for good at 730 am, of course). Although my day was already over-booked, I knew something HAD to be done, so I called my dentist's emergency line first thing in the morning (since the office isn't open on Saturdays for some reason). She is also a personal acquaintance, who thankfully came in on her day off to try and fix it.
It seemed to work at the time, so I got ready for a baby shower I was attending. I was almost out the door when Colin comes in from the garage, quite calmly says, "Oh shoot", and goes into the kitchen. I look into the kitchen and there is blood all over the sink. He almost cut his finger off with a chainsaw.
Hmm. Another change of plans. So I take him to the doctor to get stitches. They wouldn't stitch it because of the location of the gash, but it is dressed up and ready to be taken back out to the garage to continue where he left off. Playing with a chainsaw.
Luckily I was still able to attend the baby shower, even though I was very late. By the time I left, my tooth was hurting so badly that I couldn't talk, eat or drink anything for most of the day. It took over an hour to force a plate of cold spaghetti down that noodle at a time.
I had another near-sleepless night, as I wake up every 3 hours to take another T3, and wait an hour for it to kick in (sounds like a newborn. Wake up every 3 hours and feed for an hour). Today has been another painful day. My cheek is even red and swollen. I have new-found respect for my poor little boy who is going through this almost daily.
Tomorrow I am going to the dentist and camping out there until I can get it fixed.
Wow, what a dry post. At least complaining to you gave me something to do while I'm waiting for the T3 to kick in.