The Roth Spot

A spot where you can read some potentially over-exaggerated stories of fun, thoughts and mishaps.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Nathan's Haiku

Yesterday was such a rough day. I wrote this post yesterday but had such a bad day, I didn't feel like publishing it. Parenting is not all happy times! The little bundle doesn't ALWAYS bring you joy! But at the end of the day you somehow want to sneak into their room to see them sleeping, and are rejuvenated the next day to do it all again.
So, here was yesterday's post. 


Nathan has been composing a Haiku poem all day. I'd like to share with you the final outcome.
Waahh wahh waaah wahhh wwahh
Waaaaah wwahhh wah wah wahhh waaah wahhhhh
Waahh waaah wahh wwahh wwaaahhhhh 

I'll translate for those who don't speak "Nathan":

My teeth hurt real bad
Won't eat, can't poop and won't sleep
I just want to cry

Nathan is a poser. I got out the camera to take a photo of him being fussy and as soon as I aimed the camera at his face, he did this:

Silly little man. Exactly 36 seconds after this photo, he did show his true colours:
SCARY! Good thing all days aren't like this! 


Ok, he's happy as a clown today so on to happier things! He's six months old now! Here are some recent pics:

Silly monkey!
Looks mischievous!

He's eating real food, and likes EVERYTHING he tries. So much, that he decided to wean himself. YAAY! No complaints here.

He's also learned how to play cards:
He's usually so much fun now, as he's really able to interact with us and play with his toys. He's developing a personality. It makes the bad days worth it!


Blogger Rhonda said...

Oh man, can I ever relate to the teething process. VJ is fussy pretty much all day now because of his teething, He, and we, can't wait for the little buggers to pop through the gums so we can get on with life!

Sunday, February 17, 2008 7:07:00 AM  

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