The Roth Spot

A spot where you can read some potentially over-exaggerated stories of fun, thoughts and mishaps.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Presentation Challenge

Colin reminded me last night that I hadn't blogged about our latest timeshare presentation!

It was 3 months ago, and Nathan was only 3 months old. I was upset at Colin for booking it because we couldn't take Nathan, and he was not eating bottles yet. I could only be away from him for up to 3 hours, and we'd probably be gone for 3 hours.

But the free Vegas trip was calling Colin's name, so off we went.

I need to explain a little about myself before going on. My friends know that I am a talker. I'm generally confident in conversations. But with strangers, this is different. I am very uncomfortable talking to people I don't know, so I don't usually do it. Colin takes the reins on that one.

At the last presentation, Colin was the only one talking. The salesperson was talking to him the entire time. THIS time, I said in the car on the way to Burnaby that I wanted to do the talking. 

We got there early, and so we sat in the car for a few minutes. We saw this sketchy looking guy just walking around the parking lot, sort of looking at all the cars. So when it was time to go in, we told the security guard at the building and went in to start our adventure.

It was laid out like the other presentation we went to. There are lots of small tables...perfect for a couple and a salesperson... all in the same room. We were ushered to one of these tables by our saleswoman after I grabbed a free coffee. Lets call her Helga.

Colin opens up the conversation by saying something like "We're here for the free trip to Vegas".

Not 2 minutes into the 90 minute presentation, a salesman (lets call him Larry) walked across the room clinking champagne glasses VERY LOUDLY, and holding a bottle of champagne. This it what they do to "celebrate" a timeshare purchase. It's like, "Congratulations on giving us $12,500! Here's a glass of $9 champagne". I think he did this so all the potential suckers in the room would think "Ooh, I want some! Let's buy a timeshare so we can sip champagne too". 

When the glasses were clinking, all eyes in the room were fixed on Larry. All except mine. I was looking at Helga, who WINKED at Larry, lifted one eyebrow and nodded with a smirk on her face! What?!? 

"OK game on", I thought. "I am not a sucker and by the end of this presentation you are going to KNOW I am not a sucker".

So here's a screenplay version of the presentation from that point on:


Helga: "So, what do you love to do on vacations?"

Nancy: "We LOVE to camp! We even went camping when I was 8 months pregnant!"

Helga: "Oh. well where do you like to go?"

Nancy: "We love to explore BC. We live in such a beautiful place!"

Helga: "I see. Do you ever do anything other than camping?"

Nancy: "Yes. We have quite a few friends with cabins that we go on vacations to."

Helga: "Well...have you EVER been to a resort before?"

Nancy: "Yes, we went to a wilderness resort in the BC Cariboo where we rode ATV's and horses. We also went to Mexico for our honeymoon."

(Helga's ears perk up)
Helga: "OH! Would you go there again?"

Nancy: "I guess so. But not until our baby is old enough to enjoy it"

(Helga's getting frustrated)
Helga: "Do you have a dream vacation?"

Colin: "I'd go to Vegas if it were free"

Nancy: "I want to take Nathan on a cross Canada trip sometime"

(Helga realizes she's getting NOWHERE and decides to take a different approach)
Helga: "Well lets look at the numbers"

(Helga shows us the ridiculous up front and month to month payments)

Nancy: "There's NO WAY we can afford that!! I'm on maternity leave!!"

(Helga has steam coming out her ears and she's all red)
Helga: "Please excuse me, I need a glass of water"

(Exit Helga)
(Colin and Nancy try not to laugh)
(Enter Helga)

Helga: "Well, I can see I'm getting nowhere, and you are not going to buy this timeshare. I know that you're only 15 minutes into the presentation, but there's a room full of prospective buyers, and I am on commission, so I'll give you your free Vegas trip and you can be on your way."


So she was true to her word. Vegas voucher in hand, we left 15 minutes after we arrived! 

From this story branches another story.

When we were at the presentation, we were asked to put friends names and numbers down on a paper for referrals to the program. I thought all my friends & family would shoot me if I put their names down, but Colin put down a name of a friend (lets call him Fred) who likes to talk to telemarketers. 

So one day a few weeks later, Fred got a call from WorldMark.

WM: "Hi, you were referred by "C Rowtay".
Fred: "What? Who?"
WM: "C Rowtay"
Fred: "C Rowtay? oh.....C ROTH???"
WM: "Yes!"

They invited Fred down for a presentation. But Fred doesn't have a spouse. So he was told he wasn't allowed to come. He covered the phone with his hand and asked his friend Bob if he wanted to go to Vegas. Bob says sure. So Fred says to WM "Can I bring my partner?"

WM: "Sure, what is her name?"
Fred: "HIS name is Bob!"

So Fred and Bob went to the presentation and after being mocked, got their free trip to Vegas.

If anyone wants me to give their name at these presentations, let me know. Seriously people... a trip to Vegas for 15 minutes of your time?? Sounds good to me. 


Blogger Rhonda said...

I couldn't do it. Not unless I didn't have to do any talking. I'd probably leave the presentation having been suckered into a time share.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008 11:10:00 AM  
Blogger Rhonda said...

oh, by the way, vikings are back!

Tuesday, February 05, 2008 11:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh come on Rhonda, we could make it a group thing.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008 8:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I so could not do what you guys do...i already gave a company like that 1000$ talking on a cell in a busy restaurant trying to nurse a 6 wk old Blake...yes we were suckers. after looking more into the trip we 'won' we discovered it would suck so just said good bye to our 1000$
But i must say..i just got back today from 6 days at Worldmark's Indio Resort in California...and it is spectacular!! (My parents are timeshare owners with Worldmark) From Lori Allen

Friday, February 15, 2008 10:30:00 PM  

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