Our Gift
Nathan, "NAY-then" - Hebrew: "the gift".

Awe, isn't he cute? I don't think I've said the word "CUTE" this often in my entire life!
I've been a mommy for 12 days now. My days consist of feeding, changing stinky STINKY diapers, rocking in the rocking chair and trying to sleep when Nathan sleeps.
Colin has two weeks off (except today) which has been AWESOME, so we can learn how our new family functions all together. It's been such a steep learning curve. You can read all the books out there on how to be a parent but nothing can prepare you 100% for what's coming.

I had no idea I'd be so worried about him right from day 1. First I was worried when he was born because he wasn't breathing. Then, I worried about his cone head (both which got better). Then it was the jaundice, the feeding (is he getting too much? too little?), and the list goes on and on. I know not a day will go by without me worrying about my precious little son.
But it's all because I love him so much! I didn't know "love at first sight" was possible, but Nathan has taught me that it is. Even in the middle of the night when I'm rocking him back to sleep, I look at the tiny face staring back at me and am just blown away by this amazing blessing God has given us.