The Roth Spot

A spot where you can read some potentially over-exaggerated stories of fun, thoughts and mishaps.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

The Definition

"Roth spots are retinal hemorrhages with a white center (or "white spots") composed of coagulated fibrin. Associated with leukemia, diabetes, bacterial endocarditis and pernicious anaemia."
- Wikipedia, the free Encyclopedia

Um...GROSS!!! I may be thinking of a witty new name for my blog soon.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006


I know what foot-in-mouth syndrome is. I know it well. Saying things without thinking first of what ramifications the words will have. My foot has been in my mouth so much I am thinking of renaming my mouth "sock".

But what is it called when you DO things without thinking? And more importantly, what can be done so it can be stopped?

Any ideas on how to think BEFORE I act?

Thursday, May 25, 2006

The Amuzing Race

I feel a need to tell a story about a race. It was quite amuzing.

Colin and I decided to help out with the young adults at church in Sept 2004. We helped plan a few events, then in Jan 2005, the youth Pastor threw out an idea: "Why don't we do an Amazing Race type thing?". What an innocent question...

We decided to help because we LOVE the TV show. Someone comes up with the title Amuzing Race, the planning committee (5 of us) brainstorm fun events (and some gross ones), and meet regularly when we start realizing that there is more detail involved than originally thought! A talented graphic designer on our team makes a promo video to show at that rivals the opening credits of the acutal TV show! To our surprise, 44 people sign up!

The day was great! Everyone had fun! They: did 5 legged races, speed eating a gelato, purchasing an item at IKEA from a photo we gave them, eating eel, finding books at chapters that had page numbers which opened a combo lock, and chugging a pail full of pop (to name a few)! They even had camera men following them around so it would feel like "the real thing"!

At the end of the beautiful May day, during our BBQ in the gorgeous sunshine, people started asking the members of the planning team: "When will Amuzing Race 2 be?".


Well, the answer to that is: "It was on May 6, 2006"! This year, 55 people signed up! Some repeat teams, some re-configured teams, and some brand new teams.

We made them: eat dried squid and pork fluff, get a bullseye or do a word puzzle, decode a message using allendorf cyphers at a museum (have you seen "National Treasure?), canoe out to a buoy that had a clue attached, build an Inukshuk, find a piece of rice marked with an "AR" in a pool full of rice...etc.

Unfortunately, this year was not the beautiful May day I had been praying for. And unfortunately, I had bronchitis, so couldn't talk very well and felt even worse! Not good, because my job for the day was to make 100 phone calls to keep the volunteers updated on where the teams were at. People fell in rivers, dumped their canoe, barfed in the car (there always has to be one person each year it seems), yet everyone was safe! And everyone had fun!

And that's what it's all about! At the BBQ at the end of the race, I enjoyed sitting back (while resting my voice) watching the teams mingle, laugh, and share stories about their day. They were talking to volunteers and thanking them for helping out. That was the most rewarding part of it for me. It made the 100+ hours of planning (no exaggeration - it was fairly life consuming) well worth it.

So, when will The Amuzing Race 3 be?
May 2007!

Monday, May 22, 2006

May long weekend

I have this need to get away from home whenever a long weekend comes up. Usually our Bible Study group heads off to some "campsite" where the washroom is, well, wherever you want it to be, and the water comes from a river.

This year, however, everyone was busy. The weather didn't sound promising anyway, so we decided to fill up our weekend with something other than tenting...and I'm glad we did.

On Saturday Colin and I headed up to Salty Shack (a friends' cabin on the Indian Arm) dad! He's always so interested in the stories we tell about the place, and the pictures we show. I never thought he'd go up, though, because of the boat ride to get there. Not enjoying boats is a Jarvis trait (one that I inherited, but try to curb), BUT he said he'd come up with us for the day! We had tame waters, and no rain! We hiked up to the water system we've set up, told stories around a mid-day bonfire, and sat on the deck reading. We even caught 4 crabs for dinner!

When we got back home, mom was going to meet us at our place for the crab feast. She WILL NOT go on the boat, but will still reap the benefits of our hard work (Colin and I both got stung by a red jellyfish when bringing in the traps)! She spent the day shopping...

To my surprise, my Uncle George and Auntie Bev came over for dinner too! I was so happy to have them there to share in the feast! Unfortunately, my uncle's cancer came back last week, and he's in town for various treatments and doctors appointments. It was really good to spend time with them, as they both have a great sense of humour, and I normally only see them about once a year (which is more than I see any other relatives). I like to get the updates on them and what my cousins are up to.

We had a wonderful day; one that I am going to remember for a long long time (if not forever).

Sunday we had our day around the house. Gardening for 5 hours in the beautiful sunshine which turned to rain, with Jack Johnson blaring from the house. There's something wholesome about pulling weeds and moving 500 pound boulders! Got to talk to the Keitches too! God Bless phones! In the evening we went to a free movie "Over the Hedge" with Steve and Rhonda, which was fun and funny!

Monday we went to a friend's new property at Hatzic Lake. We hadn't been there before so it was good to see the place we've heard about! The plan was to wakeboard and kneeboard, but the boat wouldn't start! It must have been divine intervention, because just when Ryan gave up trying to start the boat, it started to rain. Rain? No...POUR! Our day retreat was cut short by the weather, but at least we roasted some weenies on a bonfire.

It was a great weekend to remind myself of what's important. I think that sometimes I am so caught up with "doing something" that I don't put much thought into what it is I'll be doing, or who I will be spending it with.

As long as friends and family are there, a good time is guarenteed.

Friday, May 19, 2006


So, here I am. I've been reading some blogs now for a few months...and finally decided to see how easy it was to make one. Now that the Amuzing Race 2 is over, I have a life again during my lunchbreak! So what better to do than maintain a blog?

Ok, I must give credit where credit is due. Laura, you are the reason I am starting this! I love reading your updates, and looking at your pictures!

I'd love to say something more inspiring on my 1st entry, but alas, my break is over.

Welcome to the Roth Spot