The New Addition to Our Family

I couldn't post any photos of my vacation because my tiny little Mac laptop is now FULL and my PC, well, it's a PC.... It spontaniously shuts down every 5 minutes or so making it extremely unreliable.
With thousands upon thousands of photos coming our way, we needed somewhere to store them! There are other reasons we needed a new computer, but that was MY reason.
It's pretty cool because the computer is in the monitor, as well as the drives and ports and stuff (sorry, I don't talk tech).
Great, now I have to come up with ANOTHER name.
Beautiful is right! Is she new or used?
She's brand new! The adoption papers are signed and she's en route from China!
Yeah! She arrived today! Colin was "tracking" it on the internet (possibly got the idea from Andrew and his shuffle).
What was odd is that it went from China, to Alaska, to Tennessee, to Vancouver. Tennessee? How do you spell that? Where in the states is it anyway? Further away than Alaska!
I am so impressed already with the service from Apple. We ordered it on Monday late at night, and it's here now!
Colin says she looks slick and sleek...neither of which I am at the moment. I think he'll be spending all evening with her.
Wow...seriously? I want one!
I'm getting a new baby of my own soon. Well, a new used baby. I just completed the transaction on eBay and should have a new PowerBook at my door very soon. She's barely 1" tall and only 5.6 lbs.
I suppose I'll have to think of a new name as well. Have you named yours yet?
Ah... the second wife!! :) I've got one of those now... She goes by the name of Nikon D40!! hehe
Ryan, yes she does have a name! It's a lot easier to name an inanimate object.
You know that my iBook is named "Phearson". This one is named "Cloud", because she's white and pretty against the background of the room (although not fluffy).
So now I have a MacPhearson and a MacCloud.
That's awesome! MacPhearson and MacCloud... genius!
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