Facebook Widow
So most of the world probably knows that Colin has joined Facebook. Why do I say "Most of the world"? Because everyone in the world EXCEPT ME is on it!
I didn't even want to look at it, since I've heard it was addicting. But I did. I wanted to find people who were NOT on it, like myself. I kept giving Colin names of friends who wouldn't be on it. What did I find?
I am, indeed, one of the selected few who are not on it.
I have been totally against it. It just sounds like a popularity contest to see how many "Friends" you can get. I also thought the main purpose of it was to reconnect with people from high school with empty promises of actually getting together (human to human - not computer to computer - for coffee). I'm sorry, but I'd like to get as far away from high school as I can! If I wanted to keep in touch with high school buddies, I would have.
That was my view. But since Colin has decided to take it on, my view has changed somewhat.
It is not as evil as I once thought. So I do have to eat my words and even apologize to my friends who are on it, for badmouthing it without seeing it myself. SORRY! It does have its perks. It IS good to see how some friends are doing. There are people you just don't pick up the phone and call, even if they are friends. Maybe they've moved away without leaving contact info (hey...maybe they don't want to keep in touch with ME). I hadn't really thought about that. I see how it can be a good thing.
It has, however, become Colin's second wife. He only signed up on the weekend and I'm sure he's spent 5 hours on it at least. He puts the steak on the BBQ and then goes to facebook. Flips the steak then goes back to facebook.... you get the idea. But I was right about the "popularity contest". I get an update on how many friends he has (and how many other people have) at least once daily. Sure, he may be joking around, but psychologically, I think everyone is trying to get as many friends as they can. I mean, who wants to have 3 "friends" on their profile??
Plus I am jealous of the punk who created it, as he was just offered a BILLION dollars for it. You HAVE to be kidding me. Don't even get me started.
For those reasons, I don't think I'll join. Maybe once in awhile I'll send a message through Colin's profile, or get some photos from some friends, but I don't ever think I'll warm up to it completely.
...aaah, the friends' list. Just so you know, for most well-adjusted adults, that phase of "trying to gather as many friends as you can" actually passes. :)
Facebook is a great communication tool, and there are some really interesting groups you can join. It IS an addiction if you let it be though, and depending on how you use it, it can be a rather seedy, somewhat unhealthy addiction. There's nothing quite as thrilling as spying sneakily on people you once knew, looking at their photos, reading their bios. Yes, they accepted your friendship request, but there still remains some sneakiness about the whole thing.
Anyway, I am on facebook, but I'm not about to try and convince you to join. If you don't want to, don't!! All the more time for you to sit and oogle Nathan!! :)
I know what you mean about Facebook, I like to go on there and spy on people from time to time, as an "alias" name, because I don't want my own profile on there!
Well, most of the Facebook hype faded shortly after I joined it. I have to admit, I did race to get 100 friends, but after I passed that mark, I started to realize how unrealistically it reflects the number of friends I have in real life.
Anyways, the only thing that I still obsess over is photo tagging. I feel like I want to upload more photos, just so I can tag people in them. There's something strangely fun about it. Especially when people upload photos of you and tag you in them, and Facebook notifies you someone has uploaded a picture of you, and you're like "what!?! When did they take that picture?" It's great, I tell ya.
And after all that... Facebook's overrated, in my opinion, although it is kinda fun, and not as scary as it seems. Bring back the blog!
Ooh, Ryan is popular!
I have no idea what photo tagging is. I'm sure Colin will figure that out soon.
Nooooooooo! Don't join facebook! I was on it for a while and found it to be a total waste of time.
Yeah it was nice to see how some people were doing, but then the novelty wore off. Everyone else I already talk to on a somewhat regular basis.
Facebook is so lame-as! Just so's you know once you join facebook there is literally no going back, they never...NEVER delete your information. When you go to cancel they make you answer "why?" and then they proceed to inform you that they will close your account but if at anytime you should want to rejoin all you have to do is sign back in and all of your information will be restored... never deleted. And don't get me started on the whole "gifts" credit card info never being deleted identity theft thing.
Facebook may be fun for the first two weeks.
Sorry for the huge comment...I'm just not a big fan of facebook, we already spend enough time not connecting with people, in person. And, I'd be ok with 3 friends, after all Jesus only really had 12, 3 who were close to him and 1 that he loved.
I knew I'd get a good comment from you, Amanda; I was waiting for it! I would have put a hyperlink to your blog about facebook, but the hyperlink option on my home computer doesn't exist.
Yeah, I was against it at first, but now I love it. My whole family is on it and, since we live far away, we enjoy sending each other little messages every day, sometimes several times a day. My sister posts pictures of her boys, whom I only see once a year, but feel like I see more thanks to it. Honestly, it has TOTALLY renewed a friendship I had since childhood and this woman was recently there for me through some tough times. It's not all bad. :)
Also, he will not be addicted to it for long. At first, you are on it all of the time, then the interest sort of wanes. Don't worry, you will not be a facebook widow forever!
I really only like it because there is one group I am part of that has some great discussion points useful to my job. Other than that, it's sometimes fun to check out people's photos, like Ryan and Jenn's awesome vacation, but for the most part I don't interact at all with my 'friends' on Facebook, just my fellow journlists.
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