Happy Birthday Colin!!!

Today, December 8, is Colin's 29th birthday! I have the day off, while he has to go to work. Something wrong with that!
Last night, I asked him what the best or most memorable moments of being 28 were. He thought for a moment, then got that mischievous smirk on his face and said, "I caught lots of salmon this year!".

It wasn't quite the answer I was expecting, but, he sure did! His new years resolution was to go fishing every month, after all!

As I also reflect on his past year, I thought I'd share some of my favorite photos of him as a 28 year old.
Every year I know Colin, I find out more and more about him. This year, I found out that he has pirate in his blood.

Like usual, Colin got himself involved in many adventurous situations!

And some, dare I say, dangerous ones? (Please note the crazed smile he gets in potentially dangerous situations!)

And some, just plain fun and relaxing!

You're thinking...doesn't Colin ever WORK? Well, yes he does. He is a very hard worker!

For the past 5 years, Colin has been able to share his birthday with Justin, whose birthday is on the same day, same year...but Colin was born first, right Justin?? For the first time in 5 years, they won't have a joined party, and we'll miss him :-(

Colin, I hope you have a great day today! I'll spare everyone from the mushy stuff...it'll be in your card! I pray that your last year in your 20's will be filled with lots more, fun, adventure and excitement!

That was SUCH a nice post! It had me laughing out loud at some of the pictures (I laughed particularly hard at the one with him and the fire, and although I've seen it before, I actually feel frightened when I see him in that pirate costume!)
Happy birthday Colin!
....by the way, I used to have that exact same hat that Colin's wearing in the last picture...!
Awwwww, this is SO CUTE! I didn't know that Justin and Colin shared a birthday. Well, Happy B-day to them both then!
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