The Roth Spot

A spot where you can read some potentially over-exaggerated stories of fun, thoughts and mishaps.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Frightening Lullaby

Yesterday had a fairytale ending. The fairytale was a cross between "Little Miss Muffet" and "Arachnaphobia".

Time was 10:45. I was laying in bed. I sat up to grab a kleenex from the headboard. And there...before my very eyes....was THIS:

Yes. The ugliest, biggest un-caged spider I've ever seen indoors. It was sitting on my book called "Every Woman's Battle". Kinda ironic, eh? Most women I know battle with spiders, although that's not the battle the book talks about.

I jumped up on the footboard of the bed as fast as humanly possible. Colin had thought I fell out of bed (and he didn't even move, I might add). When he finally knew what was going on, he caught and flushed it. MY HERO!

Usually I say "It's the biggest spider I've seen", and Colin disagrees. BUT THIS TIME, he agreed! That thing was a good 2 - 2.5 inches across! Colin laid back down after the drama and I stood on the footboard until I could convince him to shut the window, check behind the bed, check under the bed, check in the bed and around the bed for any more friends. He spent the next 15 minutes explaining to me which spiders are poisonous, and which are not, and saying they are afraid of ME. didn't look too scared.

Searching Google for the photo I used actually got my heart racing. I even gasped when it uploaded onto this post.

It made me wonder.

I seem to be able to handle spiders outside, but as soon as they enter my domain, I am terrified! I even saw two large spiders on my tomato plant earlier in the day, and let them LIVE because they are eating the bugs off the plants. I thought I was making a lot of progress until this happened.

How can I get over this fear?


Blogger Ryan said...

That sounds much like how Jenn would react. It's an odd fear when you think of it, but yet most people I know fear spiders at least a little bit.

So, is this a photo you took of it, or just one that you found on the internet that looks like it? The pic shown here looks like a Hobo Spider, which is poisonous enough to kill an infant. We saw a huge one at Kate and Andrews last year.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006 2:12:00 PM  
Blogger Nancy said...

I found this photo on google images. There's no way I'd give it a "head start" while I went to grab my camera. No siree!

It didn't look quite like that. It just looked like your nornal house spider, only the mammoth variety.

I saw a photo that Andrew took of that spider at his house and it wasn't THAT bad!!

But Ryan, how can you say it's an odd fear and then follow up with "poisonous enough to kill an infant"?????

Wednesday, September 06, 2006 2:17:00 PM  
Blogger Andrew Alexander said...

It's only an odd fear to those who aren't afraid of spiders!

I should post the picture of the Hobo spider that I found at our house. Not only did I take the time to grab my camera and take 5 or 6 pictures... I had time to poke it and have it crawl across my shirt.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006 2:34:00 PM  
Blogger Stacy Kaye said...

You don't have to get over the fear. It is a woman's right to be afraid of creepy crawly things in her home. Our friend told us about a white spider from India that is poisonus and hides under toilet seats the other day. I swear, for the first three days I looked under the toilet seat every time I used it. I'm that scared of spiders!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006 3:04:00 PM  
Blogger Rhonda said...

I usually kill spiders in our house as soon as I find them. I just grab a shoe and SMACK, they're dead. Splat. Just like that. I don't care if they're part of the food chain.

If they're in my territory, they will have to die. If they're outside doing their bit for the food chain, then okay, they can live.

Steve always lets them live. He actually goes through the trouble of capturing them in a jar, and then going outside to set them free!

Thursday, September 07, 2006 7:15:00 AM  

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