The Roth Spot

A spot where you can read some potentially over-exaggerated stories of fun, thoughts and mishaps.

Monday, March 03, 2008

Dental Update

So, last time I mentioned my dental problems was in the wee hours of Monday morning last week. Oh my, has it been an ordeal since then.

I did go to the dentist on Monday and it turns out I had an infection in the pulp/roots of my tooth. So they did an "open and drain" procedure (sounds yummy) to clean it out. Then the bad news. I have to get a root canal on Saturday. I was in so much pain after this "open and drain" that Colin had to come home from work to look after Nate and I. I spent about an hour rocking back and forth on my porch while my meds started to kick in. 

I got 2 full nights of sleep after that and then on Wed night I was back to only a few hours of sleep due to intense pain so I went BACK to the dentist on Thursday. They did another open and drain and gave me this freezing that lasts for 8 hours. That was nice. But when it came out, the pain was just as bad as before and I slept only a couple of hours Thursday night.

So on Friday, guess where I went? The dentist. Since I was getting a root canal the next day, they froze my tooth to oblivion to take away the pain until Saturday morning, when I was coming in for my root canal. 

Saturday, I was in the chair for 2.5 hours, and the root canal could not be finished. I had been frozen so much this past week that my body was starting to fight off the freezing, and it was becoming ineffective. So every time he drilled a hole in my tooth, he injected more freezing, but I still felt it all. He had to stop because I was in tears and couldn't handle any more. He said that in his career so far he's never seen such a sensitive tooth before. 

Or maybe he hasn't seen such a wussy patient before...

So now I have to wait a week until my body can hopefully accept freezing once again and then get the root canal finished. But thank God it doesn't hurt anymore. Now I can just focus on getting rid of this cold before then. 

Oh, and my dentists Ryan and Candice (brother/sister-in-law team) are the best! I'd recommend them to anyone. They were so accommodating and managed to fit me into 5 emergency appointments in 8 days.


Blogger Stacy Kaye said...

Oh Nancy! How horrible! I am so sorry that you had to go through that. I am praying that you are able to get this taken care of and without so much pain!

And I agree, I go to Ryan as well! He is fantastic. He actually cleaned my teeth the other day. That's the second time he has done that, instead of a hygenist.

Here's to hoping that it is a good report with your next "toothy" posting!

Monday, March 03, 2008 10:23:00 AM  
Blogger Stacy Kaye said...

Hey, how are you doing? Is your mouth any better? I have been thinking of you off and on. Hope it is better now!!!

Friday, March 14, 2008 4:37:00 PM  

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