The Good Ol' Hockey Game
Thanks to Point-to-Point Destinations, we had a wonderful free date Sunday night worth $180!
It started off at the Macaroni Grill, a very sentimental restaurant for us. For those who haven't been there, you MUST go! It's in an old mansion. The atmosphere is breathtaking! Since we had a gift certificate, we could splurge and each have a 4 course meal! We had the pasta milano, pictured below.

After dinner, we went to GM Place for the Canucks vs Wild game. Neither of us watch hockey much (unless they're in the Stanley Cup final), but just being there gets you into the spirit of the game. There's something about the cool air, music, and brightness of the ice and lights that makes me excited for the game to start.
Colin and I got right into it, jumping up when we scored, cheering when our players hit the others into the boards...the whole bit.
To the right of me was an explosive man. I was actually scared of him. He was really quiet, but then out of the blue he'd shout "HIT HIM" with such hate and anger that it made me coward towards Colin.
I was actually thankful for the 2 guys behind us. They knew what they were talking about and pretty much gave a comedy commentary on the entire game. I always knew who was on the ice and what the ref's call should have been.
To our left were 2 other couples. I think they were recipients of free tickets from the timeshare company too, because they didn't look into it at all. One couple didn't even show up until the 2nd period.
Speaking of timesharing, there seemed to be a seat timeshare in the row in front of us. In the 1st period, the 4 seats were empty. For the 2nd period, we were lucky enough to have 4 screaming girls ages 7 - 10 in front of us all decked out in Canucks tatoos, jerseys, flags. It was evident that their only goal for the period was to get on the big screen. They failed.
Then the 3rd period, there were 4 different people there. Adults who spent the majority of the time taking photos of each other. I'm pretty sure they'd had one too many $10 beers (well, them, and the rest of those around us).
I was watching the game more than the people though, and it was a great game! It was tied in the end, so there was an overtime period. No scoring in that, so it came down to a shootout! So exciting! So tense! And...we won! This is the first Canucks game I've been to where the Canucks won! The curse has been broken.
I would recommend going to those timeshare presentations even more now! As a matter of fact, I can't WAIT for the next one!

Labels: Adventure
Sounds like a great evening. How do I get my hands on those time share presentations?!
There's an all-u-can eat sushi place in Maple Ridge with a draw box for a hummer. We saw it on the weekend! But that's a little far for you to go...
I'm so jealous.... go Canucks Go! That was an AWESOME game you guys saw... the one where Linden scored in the shoot-out. We were thinking of you guys
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