The Roth Spot

A spot where you can read some potentially over-exaggerated stories of fun, thoughts and mishaps.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Curve Balls

I haven't blogged in awhile. Life threw us a couple of "curve balls" that I just didn't know how to write about. But for some reason, not writing about them is causing writers block so here goes.

Colin was in a car accident 2 weeks ago. Not going to say much about it because of ICBC, so sorry for the lack of details. I hope I don't look "uncaring" because of my lack of time spent on the subject, but I think you understand. I will say the truck was written off, but Colin was not bleeding.

The same day, after picking him up from the hospital, I had a follow up doctor's appointment after some minor surgery I had in Sept. The doc says I'm an "extreme" case, and need surgery again in December, and maybe once more after that.

All in all, a pretty bad day.

It was, however, the "push" I needed to really realize how I am wasting my life away at being "busy" and that I need to make changes.

And I have. I don't stress about about the little things quite so much (it's a process) and give more undivided attention to my little family. Even though this means I spend less time sewing (for example), I still find I get the same amount done. I guess it helps to approach it in more of a relaxed state of mind. I am finding this with just about every area of my life.

One not-so-good outcome of that day is that I need to change my diet. Please don't say "Oh that's good, maybe you can lose a few pounds" like I have heard from several people. No one EVER wants to hear that, people.

Anyways. No more caffiene. Chocolate, tea and........ COFFEE. Yes. I am no longer a coffee drinker. Not even decaf. Day 1 of this "diet" I spent holding onto my head at my desk, after taking 3 extra strength tylenol. I ended up making a cup of green tea. That didn't help, so in a frenzy I added an orange pekoe bag to the green tea, squeezing the juice out as fast as I could and downing it.

I felt like an addict. Got me to realizing that coffee is a real addiction. An ethical addiction (I think there's a cafe named this), but an addiction.

Other than coffee, other no-no foods are acidy things like tomatoes, all fruit exept pears, all fatty things except oils, no spicy things... it's not that easy to follow. It's not like I'll die if I don't follow it, I just may be in some pain for a bit later in the day! But some things are worth the cup of Timmy's coffee I don't think I can avoid today....


Blogger Super sleuth said...

Hey Nancy,
I'm sorry to hear you're going through all this. But I must say, I am GLAD that you are learning to take life a little easier. I worry about you!! Take care of yourself.

Thursday, November 13, 2008 1:46:00 PM  

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