The Roth Spot

A spot where you can read some potentially over-exaggerated stories of fun, thoughts and mishaps.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Moments Like These

I woke up frustrated this morning. I got up early so I could have a relaxing breakfast before Nathan got up. But upon entering the kitchen I see that we forgot to start the dishwasher, so Nate has no clean bottles. So I had to load up the dishwasher instead of having my warm coffee and Special K vanilla. 

I know, it doesn't seem like much, but it bothers a schedule freak like me. Especially one who just got out of bed and has been in a relatively bad mood all week.

It's partially because Nathan's sick. Poor little guy! I'm not frustrated at HIM, just the circumstance. Yesterday he was sitting on his play mat and looked at me with his big brown puppy dog eyes, opened his mouth, and projectile vomited. Nice. At least he barfed so far that it cleared his pj's. Then when Colin got home from work, Nate had a poonami. While changing his diaper, he stepped in it, getting poo all in between his toes. 

I'm getting off track.

Usually by the time Colin leaves for work, Nathan is awake and playing in his crib. Sometimes I think Colin makes extra noise so he can wake him up to say good morning to him before he goes.  Who can blame him? It's his little buddy!

This morning, since I was up too, we watched the baby monitor for signs of wakefulness. Other than a cold-induced cough, we could tell he was still asleep. 

Colin really wanted to sneak in and see him, so he opened the creaky door (do you think that after 8.5 months we'd remember to FIX IT??) and went in. A huge smile appeared and he motioned for me to come look.

Nathan was laying on his side completely conked out, with his arms hugging a stuffed giraffe! It was the cutest thing I've ever seen (however, I have been using that phrase daily since he was born). 

I wanted to grab my camera, but refrained.

I am one of the most camera happy people I know, being a scrapbooker. But since I became a mommy, I realize there are special moments that just can't be photographed. Times where the mental picture will speak more words than a physical one. 

Times when just one glimpse of my little one, melts away the frustrations of the day, and reminds me what's really important. 

I truly believe God gives mothers moments like these to survive everything they're going to encounter for the day. 

And the baby monitor just told me that my day has begun! Time to go say "good morning" to my son! 


Blogger Stacy Kaye said...

Awww...I look forward to those moments! This morning I had one of those mornings as I threw my hands up in frustration that nothing fit, and then felt guilty for feeling upset that nothing fit when I know many women would love to be in my situation-I used to be one of them. I was so upset with all of this that I forgot my lunch and realized it on the drive to work. I was getting frustrated and teary-eyed when suddenly, the baby kicked. That's enough right now to make it all okay! I can't imagine with the smiles and cuteness will do to me!

Thursday, May 01, 2008 2:34:00 PM  

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