What's Up YOUR Nose?
This post is dedicated to my mother, who gave me this blog idea, and obviously wants me to share with the world one of the incredibly stupid things I did as a kid.
As a child, I loved to visit my grandparents on Vancouver Island! It was a fun road trip with a loving destination! They had a massive yard on a hill with beautiful gardens and raspberries. The house was huge! The "guest room" was big enough for our whole family of 5 to sleep with lots of room to spare.
One particularly memorable trip was when I was about 5 (mom, you can comment and correct me if I'm wrong). It wasn't the whole trip I remembered, just one aspect in particular.

They're so furry and fuzzy, and I was enjoying playing with them. They felt like a cuddly kitty!
In my 5-year old mind I thought, "Those would feel nice in my nose".
So up one went to tickle the inside of my nostril.
And there it stayed.
Try as I might, I could not dislodge the pussywillow! The harder I tried, the further up it went. I think it got up into my sinuses by the time I fessed up to my stupid move. It's pretty bad when you're only 5 and still know what you've done was really really dumb.
Off to the hospital I went, embarassed. They tried to get it out but it was so far up that the doctor said he'd have to operate to remove it. Luckily, they managed to get it out without the operation, and I was sent home back to grandma's house with a red face.
My family will never let me forget this incidence.
Moral of the story? Don't stick fuzzy things up your nose. It doesn't feel that great anyway.
I know I'm not alone! Colin shoved a piece of lego up his nose. Fess up now...what did you stick up your nose or in your ear as a kid?
I don't remember sticking anything in my nose...I may have blocked the memory though!
My neice who is going to be 4 soon recently stuck an unpopped popcorn kernel in her ear and then tried sticking a fork in there to get it out...without telling anyone! Luckily she was found out soon after she discovered a fork wouldn't fit in her ear!
I think kids learn VERY early what they should and should not do, the temptation to find out what would happen is just too great.
I recall quite vividly that I was too afraid of sticking things in noses or ears. I remember as a little kid, my dad flipping channels, seeing a scene from an old movie where as a man slept, beetles were crawling into his ears.
That was enough to keep me putting anything in my ears or nose. I slept with my ears covered by sheets for the next many weeks after that.
Okay, you really want to know? Well, I stuffed crumbled animal crackers in my belly button, thinking it was a hole into my stomach. I then started screaming because my brother told me I was going to die of "blood poisoning". I remember it like it was yesterday. That's how near-death experiences are.
Your cousin Sharon, my sister was always swallowing change and sometimes got it lodged in her throat and terrified Aunt Linda and Mom, lol. I supposed she wanted to start saving money as a young child and figured that nobody would get their paws on it that way!
I don't remember sticking anything up my nose, but I vividly remember licking the metal staircase handrail outside of our church one cold winter morning. We sort of saw these handrails as our own personal jungle gym and one morning when I was waiting for my parents to get done talking I thought, "Hmm...I'm going to lick it." Well, we all know what happens when you stick your tongue on cold metal! I was stuck but too embarrassed to say anything so I ripped it off. My parents couldn't understand why I didn't want to eat when we got home and had lunch. I don't think I ever told them about that!
We were visiting said neice this past Saturday and her sister, who will be 2 I think, stuck a piece of lettuce up her nose!
She was rubbing her face in discomfort and my sister-in-law looked but couldn't see anything, she then sneezed it out a few minutes later...I suppose lettuce doesn't feel very good up the nose either!
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