The Roth Spot

A spot where you can read some potentially over-exaggerated stories of fun, thoughts and mishaps.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

The Corporate Move

Colin and I are no strangers to moving. In the 5 years we've been married, we've lived in 2 basement suites, an apartment and a house. That's 4 big moves. We've also helped friends relocate their abodes.

But I've never experienced anything like THIS before!

Tomorrow, my department is moving to a brand spankin' new building!

About a year ago, we were told that we were moving in Sept 2006. Yeah right. That's the PROJECTED month, but I never thought the move date would stick. But it did!

3 weeks ago, I started getting ready for the move. There were some "data management" things to do in preparation. It's been an exciting 3 weeks, because I've been working on special projects...stuff out of the ordinary.

But nothing as out-of-the-ordinary as this week!

It all started on Monday. It was BAU (business as usual) in the morning. All of a sudden, at 11:27, a caravan of wheeled file-cabinets called "gondolas" (not the gondola I'm familiar with) and red plastic tubs big enough for me to sleep in showed up.

The chaos began. Chaos doesn't seem to do it justice, but I don't know another word. How 'bout EXTREME CHAOS? Since we only had 1/2 a day to 1 day to pack, we all grabbed our moving supplies and got started. I was instructed to leave only essential supplies for Tuesday. It got me thinking... "What are the most essential supplies for my job?". This is what I came up with:

- my computer
- a red rubber finger
- a pen

This morning was BAUAMAP (business as usual as much as possible). All I have to say about that is, "YEAH RIGHT!". The moving guys came in and started dismantling the place I've been 8 hours a day for 2 years. There's drilling, and pieces of the ceiling falling off, and metal cubicle dividers clanging to the floor. There's no fridge, no phones, and no computer as soon as I finish writing this. There's double the amount of people in here, and quadruple amount of stuff because these "gondolas" are HUGE! There's blocked office doors (mine got blocked after I finished typing I'm stuck), workers without chairs, and hallways only a foot wide!

So I have one more afternoon to deal with this, and then the big day is tomorrow! I have to be here at 7:30 to start the fun of moving thousands upon thousands of medical records! By Friday my computer will be hooked up again in my new office.

I had no idea how crazy moving an office could be! It's like a whole neighbourhood moving to a whole new neighbourhood, all at once, all to the same place, and all using the same moving guys!

I want to know something from all of you. No matter what your "job" is, what are the 3 most essential supplies to your job?


Blogger Andrew Alexander said...

That's an interesting question.

Technically, all I need is my computer. I don't even need a pen.

However, if I didn't have a blue highlighter, for example, I couldn't highlight the parts of the drawings that are finished, and therefore couldn't really do my job "properly". I could still draft, but not well.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006 1:17:00 PM  
Blogger Laura and Ryan said...

Hmmm, as my "job" is split between being a mom and being an admin. assistant for our church, I'd say:

1 - bib
2 - diaper
3 - my arms for carrying child(okay, I couldn't leave those behind if I wanted to...)

1 - computer
2 - cheque book
3 - pen

Tuesday, September 26, 2006 8:28:00 PM  
Blogger Rhonda said...

Okay, here goes:
(Don't forget - You asked!!!)

#1:LATEX GLOVES (and without them, you can guess how horrible my job would be). I probably use about 40 pairs or more per shift.

#2: SURGICAL SOAP No need to explain this one, but my hands do the talking when they're covered in band-aids from sores inflicted by this soap!

#3: PENS PENS AND MORE PENS so that I can write all the +++++'s

Wednesday, September 27, 2006 7:17:00 AM  
Blogger Ryan said...

Well, when I'm actually at the office, I think it would be:
1. Computer.
2. Music... although that's usually in the computer. Perhaps headphones? Yeah, we'll say headphones.
3. Okay, I think I just realized that all I really need is my computer. Funny how important those things have become, eh?

Currently, however, I'm only actually at the office for one day a week, and the other four days a week I'm working from home building support. For that I need:
1. Vision.
2. Motivation.
3. Perseverence.
Oh wait, sorry you said supplies. The above things are more important than supplies, but I suppose it would be:
1. Phone.
2. Pen and paper. They can be one, right?
2.5. A calendar is also a type of paper, right?
3. Had to get the computer in here somehow.

It's weird working at a job where the computer is not the most important tool that I use. It's the first job I've had like that my entire life.

Thursday, September 28, 2006 11:43:00 AM  
Blogger Andrew Alexander said...

It seems without a computer, most people in North America would not be able to do their jobs at all.

I don't know if that's a good thing...

It's great if you are an I.T. guy... then all you need to do your job is computers that don't work!

Friday, September 29, 2006 7:02:00 PM  

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