Would you like to play...CROQUET?

Who knew Colin was a closet master of beach croquet? Or do the rest of us really suck THAT much? Whatever the case, Colin was the champion. The first day of the tournament, he skunked us all. Won all 5 games.
It became evident early on that Steve's main goal was to beat Colin. After many shots, his mallet would get smashed into the sand out of frustration! He always did really well, but Colin would somehow catch up,

It also became evident that the girls were playing an ENTIRELY different game! Somehow, we usually ended up at the back of the pack. Maybe we're not wired to calculate the exact angle and force which is needed to bank the ball up and over the barnicle covered rock, send it through a tidepool and over quicksand. Whatever the reason, we were "also playing".
We started off being nice, and not sending each other's croquet balls into the atmosphere, but that faded over time. Situations like:

Nancy: "Colin, be nice to your poor wife! Please don't hit my ball"
Colin: "Ok, I won't"
He doesn't hit her ball, and then when it's her turn she smashes his off course! Tee Hee...I didn't mean to...really!
And some of this:
Steve: "Rhonda, hit Nancy's ball to get yours further"

Rhonda (to Nancy): "Ok, but I won't hit it far"
Rhonda hits Nancy's perfectly lined up ball way out of the way!
The next day of the tournament, Colin won the first one again. Steve wasn't going to let this happen again. No sir. He won the rest of the games that day, with victory dances of course! Every time Colin didn't make a shot, he gave a victory dance!
Who knew croquet could be so fun?
That definitely sounds like a sport that Colin would love and excel in!
Too bad those awesome weekends don't last very long. Now it's back to work, I mean, Now it's back to the Extreme Work Adventure!
That was a great post! I really like reading your blog, Nancy!
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