The Roth Spot

A spot where you can read some potentially over-exaggerated stories of fun, thoughts and mishaps.

Monday, June 19, 2006

5 Sleeps to go...

My very own purple "Roth Spot" is disappearing! Before I file this experience into the been-there-done-that bin, I'll give a quick update.

On Friday I was sent to the hospital because I still had a concussion (after 6 days), and proved it by bad headaches, and falling down stairs due to dizziness! They gave me a CT scan in Emerg. I got to sit in a wheelchair holding my purse like a little old lady while I waited :-D

Turns out (after 4 hours of waiting and $9.00 in the parking meter) the scan was normal and I was just still recovering. After 14 hours of sleep on Saturday, I felt good as new!

So now I turn my attention to other more interesting things. Like:

This is what I'll be looking at in 5 sleeps! Colin and I are heading off to Savary Island with Steve and Rhonda! They love the coast of BC (It's no doubt...Rhonda's from the prairies) and spend at least a few weeks per year at the coast. They've been to most of the Gulf Islands and after reading a book on Savary Island (Spillsbury's Coast), decided they wanted to go. They didn't know at the time we know someone with a cabin there. When they found this out, we decided to go together.

Colin and I have been twice before. It's gorgeous! And there's good fishing (Red Snapper, Ling cod, Rock cod, prawns and crab). Usually you can pick up shellfish from the beach and eat it but there's red tide this year. It's so quiet because there's no electricity, but there are still kerosene lights, a propane fridge and gas stove. And a flush toilet...which is the main luxury for me!

Now I will be spending this week trying to curb my excitement, or else it will be a loooong week!


Blogger Andrew Alexander said...

4 sleeps!

I guess the flush toilet elevates the status of this place above that of John's at the moment! :)

It sounds like an awesome place. How long are you going for?

Tuesday, June 20, 2006 12:45:00 PM  
Blogger Nancy said...

We'll be gone for 9 days and 8 nights!!!! A truely relaxing vacation!!

I don't like to compare to other cabins (because they all have their good parts)...but I prefer the lake, but love the option of having a shower with something other than lake water!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006 1:19:00 PM  
Blogger Justin said...

hmmmm, that sounds like everything Salty Shack is not. :)

Don't get too vacationed out. Your reservations at Salty Chateau Summer Resort are only 50 days a way. Gee, seems a lot longer when you say it like that. Anyway, have fun.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006 6:30:00 PM  
Blogger Nancy said...

I wouldn't say it's EVERYTHING Salty Shack isnt.

There's no electricity, and it's on the ocean! But again, Salty Shack, er, Salty Chateau Summer Resort has it's special qualities altogether!

Like a private waterfall, absolute silence (if the neighbour's not using the generator), you can throw your crab shells off the deck, and the sense of pride knowing that you scammed all the stuff in the cabin for free from other people's trash!

We will not be vacationed out. I don't think there's such a thing! So 49 more sleeps until SCSR!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006 8:33:00 AM  

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