The Kernel
Here she is! Colin's replacement wife for the past few weeks! May I introduce you to...THE KERNEL!
Colin's dad built a similar rowboat from scratch so he could take it flyfishing. It turned out wonderful! It's a nice blue. It's called "That Boat" because his mom was always saying "Del's outside working on THAT BOAT, what else?".
Ours was going to be called "Stupid Boat" for the same reason but Colin didn't go for it.Since Colin was so impressed with the outcome, he decided to build one too. It will be good to have at Salty Shack, and it will be handy at Savary to get from the moorage to the beach. He built the whole boat in 2 weeks! We are leaving in less than 24 hours, and he just finished it last night!
He never ceases to amaze me. He has the talent to not only make a boat from scratch, but somehow turn it into a work of art! Maybe in the upcoming week I'll be able to forget the "absentee husband syndrome" he has had for the past few weeks, and really just enjoy the boat!
"Yeah, but why i it called The Kernel?" you ask? If fish look up toward the sky, light colours blend in with the sky better than a dark colour. Dark colours look like dangerous shadows. Some preditory fish are light on the bottom and dark on the top for the same reason.
Also, Colin really likes yellow! We have one room in our house painted yellow, and he wants another one yellow too. So when he had to choose a light colour, it was easy! So "Safety Yellow" it was! I'll bet the colour got it's name because you can be seen from 167 kilometers away. That could make you safe.
Kernels of corn are yellow too.
The boat is wide at one end, and tapers off to a point.
Kernels of corn also have a wide end, tapering off to a point.
And the name Kernel sounds exactly like Colonel (for some odd reason), which is a distinguished Marine Corps position! Colin is the Colonel on Kernel!
So, I am off on vacation until July! I will update my blog with plenty of photos when I return...if the Kernel really does float!
Wow! I'm so impressed with that boat! Hey, Colonel, want to teach me how to make one? :D
I can't wait to take the Kernel out around the bay.
Sweet looking boat! Very impressive!
I love naming stuff with complex double- or triple-meaning names. Nicely done!
Hey Nancy, I've got a friend at work who's looking into buying or making a boat right now. I showed him the Kernel and he was curious about how much Colin would charge to commission a boat for him.
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