It's only been 2 weeks since I posted but it feels like a few months, so I feel the need to update.
I don't know how it happens, but Nate got even cuter! My big one year old is learning things daily. His new tricks:
- he "moos"
- he "baaaas"
- can point to certain objects when asked (eg balloons)
- he can roll a ball
- he can say "dada", "bee", "bye bye", "mom mom", and lots of other ones that I'm sure he's not trying to say like, "whaddyamean" and "whuzat". He'll break into these 2 minute long stories that seem like they make perfect sence to him. It's adorable!
- he stands by himself (and claps for himself at the same time)
- he plays "blindfolded kamikaze" (puts his blanket over his head and crawls at full speed without looking where he's going...sometimes injuries result)
As cute as he is, he's also developing a "terrible two" attitude. If I do something he doesn't like, he sits down and pounds his hands in the floor. And he's a biter. I hope it's just because he's teething. When I'm sewing, he sneaks under the table and bites my toe. Gross! Ohhhhhh boy am I ever in for a fun stage....
He's super fun though and does things that leave Colin and I in tears we laugh so hard. Those are the best moments!
For me? I'm stressed. I am getting better adjusted to work now. The emotional roller coaster is taming down, and I'm able to concentrate as I could before. But now the actual "job stress" is coming back. I need to learn how to remain calm and not be such a drama queen.
"Race stress" is on now too (although it's more "fun" type of stress). The Amuzing Race 4 is in 3 weeks (eep!)! My planning team is awesome and we think we've got a good one this year. Let me know if you want to sign up or help that day!
I'm copying some friends and starting my own sewing endeavour. I'm making security blankie type quilts (pictures up soon), recieving blankets, and a baby accessory Colin invented (the invention cannot be named yet...). I am joining forces with Amanda and we're hitting the craft fairs! I don't like when something you enjoy so much turns into a chore so I don't think I'll make a business out of it. I'm just trying to support my quilting habit. I like to make them, but don't need 35 baby quilts at my house. Between the race and sewing, there is no spare time anymore. I hope to get back to my scrapbook soon...
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