Happy 1st Birthday Nathan!

It has been the best (although hardest) year of my life.
Nathan has gone from a 7 lb 4 oz cute lump that can't do anything for himself, to a 20 lb toddler who walks along furniture, feeds himself anything on the table (or the floor), plays rather independantly, speaks a few English words (bye bye, Dada), and many in his own language.

We've seen his adversions develop too. Peas, going to bed (although he still is a trooper in this department), coming in from outside, diaper changes, the church nursery and getting his nails clipped are all things he could do without.

The personality traits were the most rewarding to watch form. Yes, he gets so mad when you take something away from him, and he is known to pinch when you're doing something he does NOT want to do (we're working on that), but the goods FAR outweighed the bads.
He's so happy most of the time. There is no way to describe the feeling you get when your little child smiles at you. He sings and dances for anyone who will listen or watch. He gives hugs by putting his forehead on yours. He gets excited when he sees a familiar face. He laughs, giggles and squeals when we play certain games with him. He claps his hands when he's proud of himself.
I am so proud of my adorable little boy and all he's learned in his first year of life. He has made us so happy! I've heard that on a child's birthday, it's the MOM who should be recieving the gifts because of all she went through on the day the baby was born. I did recieve a gift! It was from God. He let me be the mother of this precious child.
He's so happy most of the time. There is no way to describe the feeling you get when your little child smiles at you. He sings and dances for anyone who will listen or watch. He gives hugs by putting his forehead on yours. He gets excited when he sees a familiar face. He laughs, giggles and squeals when we play certain games with him. He claps his hands when he's proud of himself.
I am so proud of my adorable little boy and all he's learned in his first year of life. He has made us so happy! I've heard that on a child's birthday, it's the MOM who should be recieving the gifts because of all she went through on the day the baby was born. I did recieve a gift! It was from God. He let me be the mother of this precious child.

Happy first Birthday Nathan! I love you more than I can express! May God bless you today and every day for the rest of your life!
Love, Mommy
Congratulations, Nancy! You survived the first year!! What a rush that first year was, and so hard, but so rewarding. I'm so happy for you and your little family.
(by the way, can you tell I'm catching up on reading your blog???)
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