Food, Glorious Food!
Starting about 3 weeks ago, my appetite has increased. A LOT. I can't seem to eat enough to feel genuinely "full". I've also had some cravings! Not desperate ones like "if I don't get that donut, I'm going to die", but if I think about a certain food, I immediately start salivating.
Sushi is my main crave. Unfortunately, no raw salmon allowed, but there's so much more sushi has to offer!
Last week I ordered one roll just to cap my craving, and I was obsessed with thinking about how good it was for the whole day. It consumed my thoughts!
I've had all-you-can-eat 3 times in the past month.

My weirdest craving so far has been this:
I actually opened up a can and started to munch. When I'd eaten half the can, I finished off my snack with a bowl of bean with bacon soup.
Mmmmm, beans.
I may have slept on the couch that night.
Lucky for me, the cravings I usually get are for healthy food, which is helping keep my weight
gain on track. I do have the occasional craving for one of these:

but so far I haven't given in to it!
I'm finished my lunch now, but am still hungry.
Anyone for sushi?
I can't say I'd want sushi, but the donut and beans sure look good right about now!
I would be in BIG trouble (literally) if I were pregnant, because I already get cravings all the time! And I usually do give in to the chocolate/ cinammon bun/ brownie or donut craving. I'm soooo bad when it comes to my eating habits : )
Sushi was also one of my biggest cravings. Avacado rolls and cucumber rolls specifically. I remember eating them for lunch and still tasting them in my mouth hours later. It was amazing how my taste buds perked up during pregnancy!!
Laura, I crave the same rolls (and Tamago sushi)! And I never even ate avacado rolls before.
Come to think of it, I eat something with avacado 3 times a week!
Want to talk about weird cravings? I had a friend that desperately wanted to eat chalk when she was pregnant. Yes, that's right, chalk...the stuff you write on blackboards and sidewalks with. Of course she never gave in to that craving but it was seriously difficult for her! Strange!
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