Every couple develops their own rituals. Things that no one else would understand except the two of you. Things that are usually quite private. But today is your lucky day. I'm going to let you into our Friday ritual!
It all started about 3 years ago when we were both in school, and living in our tiny apartment. Every Friday night before we started making dinner, we'd blast a compilation CD of all our favourite country songs (called "Chickin Kickin Beats").
We'd dance around the 10 square feet that contained no furniture while we made dinner. It was so much fun! We were both just so happy that it was finally Friday! No more classes for 2 whole days!

It was hillarious!
I don't exactly know why it stuck, but it did. From that day on, not a Friday has gone by without us happily exclaiming the above statement (except of course, if we are on vacation). Even when we got rid of our water cooler, we still said it. I receive emails from Colin on Fridays with the subject line "BTD!!!".Well, there you go! A little secret in the Roth house exposed! All I have left to say is...
I can relate to that. I love having things between Kate and I that are our little in-jokes and rituals. Most of our in-jokes are actually from Australian TV and movies, that no-one here would get.
It's cool to be able to look at each other, say a little word or phrase (that might seem stupid to others!) and instantly know what it means!
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