Micky Dee's
I've never been one to promote McDonalds. It's not that I'm against fast food (I looooove Wendy's, but of course don't eat it often), it's just that I don't think their food is that great. Wendy's burgers are usually loaded with toppings, but McDonalds burgers look like they've been run over with a steamroller. They look nothing like the ads. Fries are too skinny and salty.
But since Nathan was born, my opinion has changed. And its not because the food magically got better.
When I was still nursing, I found McDonalds was the perfect place to stop on a road trip. I tried once (with a friend who was nursing as well) to feed Nathan in a Starbucks, but the folks enjoying a $8 coffee weren't too pleased with the interruption of their jazz music, so we picked up and left for the McDonalds across the street.
It's the perfect place! Lots of them have a "playplace", a separate room where kids are free to scream and run around like chickens with their heads cut off. So it's not out of place to nurse there. Everyone crazy enough to be in that room has been there before, so they don't bat an eyelash when they see a nursing woman. Sounds kinda wacky, but it makes a relaxing environment.
McDonalds is usually a messy and loud place anyway, so no one really cares if your kid is making a huge mess or making tons of noise. You don't have to feel stressed out to keep them on their best behaviour.
Also, if baby has a poonami, there's a huge family restroom where Daddy and Mommy can fix the problem together, with help from a.... CHANGE TABLE! Gasp! I've changed a poonami on the floor of a dirty restroom before. Not healthy, not pretty, not fun.
And since Nathan is old enough to eat real food now, he can do that at the Golden Arches (wait...real food at a fast food restaurant??). He can eat the grilled chicken and cheese out of my fajita, have some apple slices, or some chicken nuggets (which Mommy has eaten the crispy skin off of...love that Mom diet...fried skin and bread crusts).
And hey. If he's really fussy, a fry can go a loooooong way.
Every McDonalds I've been too has bench seats where baby can lie down to eat a bottle. A&W... not so much.
He's going to start cows milk soon and they sell that too.
Plus, in the past several years, they've go on the "health kick" and have started serving food for adults that won't lead to a heart attack. Well, at least if you eat in moderation!
It's so hard while on the road to know where to stop that can accommodate a baby, so I am ALWAYS thankful to see that familiar sign in the distance. Way to go McDonalds, for being the one true family orientated restaurant I know.
And why do some restaurants go to the trouble to put a change table in the ladies' restroom, but not the men's? Men change diapers too.
yep, we are happy with the newer menu too. It's nice to know that if you have to go there in a pinch, there are some options, like the chicken fajitas, the grilled chicken sandwich, and the grilled snack wraps. Kevin gets the snack wraps without sauce and asks for a side of honey mustard, which he puts on himself...it works well!
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