Hot Stuff
This weekend is supposed to break all records in the history of BC for the "hottest weekend EVER"! Oh, do I believe it! While I was waiting for my train at 7:00 this morning I was already almost sweating in a skirt and flip flops.
Here's why I love the summer:
- vacations, vacations, VACATIONS! Whether we're gone for a week or a day, we are always heading back from somewhere and preparing to go somewhere else!
- Party Time!!! We have 9 birthdays of family and close friends to celebrate in July alone (mine being the last one). Plus, everyone has BBQ's, potlucks and picnics!
- warm evenings! I love to sit on the deck in shorts and a tank top playing crib and eating fruit, or driving around at 10:00 with the windows wide open so you can get the breeze on your arms.
- the heat! It gives us an excuse to go find some water to play in!
And a few things I don't like about summer:
- the nightly routine of running around your bedroom with a bug zapper to kill all the mosiquitos before going to sleep (and the repeat of the event every time you hear one after the lights go out)
- the smell of roasting mosiquitos after you do the above routine
- trying to sleep with only a sheet and no blankets
- my windowless office. I have the goosebumps all day. There could be a blizzard outside and I would have NO IDEA!
So I guess if I dragged my desk outside, and never went to sleep, summer would be perfect!
Speaking of fun and parties and vacations.....
The next big event we're looking forward to is the Keitch's visit!!!!!! I think I can officially start the countdown now...15 days til they come!!! WOO HOO! Here is the last time we saw them:

You know it's been too long since you've seen your friends when you're currently in the middle of a heat wave and notice the last time you saw them was when you're ice skating on a lake with 13 layers of clothes on!!!! Luckily, that will all change soon! Our first house guests arrive on the August long weekend! How fun will that be?!? I can already hearing Colin and Justin shouting "Marco" "Polo" to each other after everyone is asleep (and the "SHUT UP AND GO TO SLEEP" that usually follows it).
I'm sure I'll have some crazy stories when they're here. Now that I think about it, there's always a crazy story lurking on the horizon when we get together. Maybe that's why I call them our "partners in crime"! Stay tuned.
But for now, back to the weather: For all of you sitting in an over-air-conditioned office like myself, I have just received an update from our meterologist Colin. Currently I have goosebumps and my nose is running, but he just emailed and said that it's sooooo hot, so he's going to jump in the pool at work to cool down. Grrr. I'm jealous. Chalk that up on the "things I don't like about summer" list.
Now it's your turn. What do you guys like/hate about summer?
Like - good skin from all this sweating! - swimming outside - taking cool showers - cute baby summer clothes - the beauty of a/c - camping and getting away - eating meals outside - the refreshing feeling you get when you sit out on your porch in the evening.
Don't Like - feeling obliged to shave my legs and such every couple of days (I'm an utter failure though) - hair stuck to the back of the neck with sweat - toting around a sweaty baby (then again, I also enjoy carrying her around in her summer duds) - our hot computer room - finding out that our closest natural swimming source is rather polluted!
Ditto on the leg shaving one! Didn't think of that!
Oh, and when I said I liked heat...I meant about 30 degrees MAX! This 37 degrees we had this weekend was debilitating!
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I found out a new thing that I like about summer... our townhouse! It's at least 5 degrees cooler inside!
I can't bring myself to hate the heat-It's so rare here.
But I don't like it when your back gets soaked from sitting in the car while driving in this heat!
9 days to go!!!
WOW That's single digits!!
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