My 15 minutes of fame
Every once-in-a-while, I play the ego game that some others play. It's called "What hit number am I on Google?" (aka, how important am I?). Fess up...we all do it!
Today is not looking so good. I'm hit 41! I almost gave up counting. I was hit 4 a few months ago, due to the interview I did for Douglas College about my job. So when I found that hit today, here's what the whole "synopsis" on google said -
"nancy roth. Nancy Roth: Helping the people behind the numbers: Health Information Services Program. ziggy the dog. Ziggy's brush with death gives birth to ..."
HOLD ON.....who is ziggy the dog, and why does he get to be in the same sentence with me...stealing my 15 minutes of fame?
I was beat out by many others that share my name. There's a Reverend, a realtor, a Christian author (I might buy the Christian Yoga book just for fun!), an actress, some people from the 1800's and various other "regular people" like me.
What's really funny is that both Colin and Nancy Roth are real estate agents in the states! HA!
So maybe, just maybe, when I publish this post, I will be hit number one for 15 minutes!
I also have Googled some of you too...tee hee! The participation ribbon goes to Laura! I can't find one! The red ribbon goes to Justin! You have the top 8 hits! And drumroll please.....the blue ribbon goes out to Lorene! I gave up looking for one that WASN'T you!! Congratulations! Although I guess it helps that you are a reporter.
If you didn't receive a ribbon, that means I don't know you are reading. So leave your comments and I'll spy on you too!
DARN IT! I didn't make it to hit #1. But I did realize that I was hit #7 too! Guess I missed that one...
Sigh, at least I got a participation ribbon. What can I say? I'm tough to google!!!
At least you are one-of-a-kind!
I'm #7!! Woohoo!
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I'm married to a clebrity!
The Roth Spot made it on page 3 of Lorene's results–twice.
WHAT? That's crazy! Especially since The Roth Spot doesn't appear on google until page # 5 for me!!
I checked for Ryan's hit #7 and found a german (?) site that made my internet shut down when I clicked on it. Hmmm. It must have moved since the comment was left!
hey, get this... I just started by blog yesterday (one post), and it's hit #12 and #13 today!!
I give up!!!
I'm number one!
(I think it helps that I have my own domain name of the same name.)
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