The Roth Spot

A spot where you can read some potentially over-exaggerated stories of fun, thoughts and mishaps.

Monday, March 09, 2009


Somebody please remind me of what day it is. Is it not March 9... less than 2 weeks from the start of spring? What is up with the snow? I had a pretty hairy commute this morning, slipping and fishtailing on major roads.

I'm so shocked by the blizzardy (is that a word?) conditions that I searched for record snowfalls in Vancouver. I was surprised to see that this isn't too out of the ordinary.

The Vancouver Sun reports that last April 21, 2008, Vancouver airport got 2.5 cm of new snow. That make the record books for the lastest snowfall EVER in Vancouver. Does anyone remember this? I sure don't. Maybe it's because I was on maternity leave and didn't have to go out in it? Maybe it only fell on the airport? Who knows.

I hear that it's supposed to be bitter cold (in Vancouver standards) the rest of the week before hitting a much-needed 10 degrees on Friday. So I guess it's just one more week of bundling up before packing up the scarf. But who believes the weathermen anymore?

* * * * *

On another note, daylight savings is dumb. I had to get out of bed at 4:30am old time to go to work today. I was going to be good and go to bed nice and early, but children are not equipped with a "daylight savings program chip" in their brain and Nate was up really late.

Because start work so early, it's depressing in fall/winter to arrive in the pitch black. Especially since I have to walk nearly 10 minutes from my parking spot to get here. I ALMOST got run over in October. I was walking on a crosswalk, and a turning car BARLEY missed me. I felt the wind from the car on my legs. If it was light out, he would have seen me.

In the past 2-3 weeks, it's actually been light as I commute! It's amazing what that does on my mood in the morning! I actually feel blessed to be up so I can see the sunrise. But now, it's back to black.

What a gloomy way to end a post...


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